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photophob - november 30th

artwork november 30th


1 - photophob - wombteck

2 - photophob - fogwalk

3 - photophob - paperbeat

4 - photophob - leafless

5 - photophob - slackjoint

6 - photophob - latenight

7 - photophob - fallfoliage

8 - photophob - catpurr


download full release (artwork & music): mp3-ZIP
cover - PDF
stream - hifi
1/8 - photophob - wombteck - 08:06 mp3
2/8 - photophob - fogwalk - 07:25 mp3
3/8 - photophob - paperbeat - 07:50 mp3
4/8 - photophob - leafless - 07:43 mp3
5/8 - photophob - slackjoint - 08:24 mp3
6/8 - photophob - latenight - 06:52 mp3
7/8 - photophob - fallfoliage - 07:18 mp3
8/8 - photophob - catpurr - 07:12 mp3

almost everything: photophob
except for artwork pictures taken by: markus hofer
and cover finalizing: aljen


tonAtom künstler sind ihrer zeit voraus. und denken schon mal an den kommenden herbst und erinnern sich dabei an den vergangenen.
photophobs zweiter release (nach tantalus) auf tonAtom ist feinster ambient mit der melancholie des vergänglichen, ein bisschen morbide und richtig faszinierend.

tonAtom artists are always ahead of their time. and think of the coming autumn while remembering the past one.
photophobs second release (after tantalus) on tonAtom is finest ambient with the melancholy of the volatile, somewhat morbid and really fascinating.

last page update : 01.01.2024 / 09.46:49

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